Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sonoma's Fabulous Farmer's Market

By far, the little city of Sonoma, CA has one of the best Farmer's Market I've ever visited. The locally and sustainbly grown produce is unending. Flower bunches billow out of truck beds. A great band plays in the front of the town hall. And the food carts offer not only the expected bags of carmel corn and corn dogs, but also some of the yummiest dishes from local restaurants (If you go, try Rocket Cafe's cart for sure!!). 

It is also one of Jack's (my very opinonated 10mth old) favorite ways to spend a Tuesday evening. As soon as we arrive at the Sonoma's plaza, the fun begins. From his stroller seat, he excitedly watches (and flirts with) all the people busling from vendor to vendor. His daddy and I carefully browse the stands and gather a smorgesborg of delights. We throw a blanket down somewhere near the live music and enjoy our finds. Jack dances, munches on a sweet strawberries and/or figs, probably a tomato or two, and eventually convinces me to take him to the swings. All and all not too shabby!

Here are some pictures of this week's Farmer's Market. I believe this may have been the last one of the season, which is sad, but April will be here before we know it!
Sonoma Farmer's Market: Every flavor rocks! So do the pita chips-beware they are addictive!
 Sonoma Farmer's Market: Danger! Do you see the size of those brownies???
 Sonoma Farmer's Market
 Sonoma Farmer's Market
Sonoma Farmer's Market: Everything on this table is extra delicious
 Sonoma Farmer's Market
 Sonoma Farmer's Market
 Sonoma Farmer's Market: I would argue the BEST bread in Sonoma
 Sonoma Farmer's Market: Not only beautiful and fragrant, but a smoking deal-$5 to $10 a bunch!
 Sonoma Farmer's Market: Yes, I like it that much!
 Sonoma Farmer's Market: Band and crowd
Sonoma Farmer's Market: Sonoma City Hall

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